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The New Normal

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Joel Deane

I was in a state of such flux. Was I returning to work or was I not? And if I wasn't, what the hell was I going to do with myself?  And the answer to that was of course, accept what you can't control and take control of what you can. Once I let that go, that's when the anxiety really started to lift, and I started to say, “Actually, I'm still okay”. 


Dr Andy Kilov joins Piers for their third conversation about Piers’ recovery journey. They look at Piers’ mental health, what victories look like now and the new normal that they are working towards. 

Andy Kilov

Dr Kilov is a Sydney-based speech pathologist who has been working with Piers on his recovery. She qualified from the University of Sydney with first class honours in Speech Pathology, has published in the area of traumatic brain injury, and continues to actively participate in research projects alongside her clinical work. Her clinical experience is diverse, including private and public hospital work with children and adults who have communication and/ or swallowing disorders.  

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